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Pushkin's Ode to Liberty

A. Remlov

Pushkin’s Ode to Liberty is a historical fiction novel – “a lovingly penned biographical tribute and a revealing glimpse into the mind of a genius,”(U. S. Review of Books) Alexander Pushkin. Discover the mysteries of a wonderful writer who challenged the Russian autocracy and lived his life unapologetically, always seeking liberty.

Bones of Skull Island

A. Remlov

Bones of Skull Island is a young adult (YA) adventure novel about an eleven-year-old boy and his father, Mitch, who are amateur archeologists. They uncover the jawbone of 700,000 year old hobbit and it leads them on a wild chase to uncover the mystery of Surly Max.

Vanished sm

A. Remlov

Vanished is a young adult (YA) adventure novel about two eleven-year-old twins, Brad and Babette, who go to spend two weeks at their grandma’s farm only to be caught in a mysterious web of incidents regarding crop circles, strange lights in the sky, UFOs and a missing grandpa.

History Buffs and Adventure Seekers

Everybody enjoys a good book. Books created by A. Remlov are full of adventure and good fun. Both adults and children enjoy the young adult (YA) adventure books. They are easy readers for early learners with short chapters. The historical fiction books, like “Pushkin’s Ode to Liberty” are well researched and full of interesting situations and great biographical details. Enjoy the world of Remlov books!